Parent Update - September Issue 1
What's Happening at
Mighty Oak Academy
We are now into our third week of school! We are excited to share with you what we've been doing and the plan for the next few weeks.
Continuing the 1st Six Weeks program
This week we finish week three of our 1st Six weeks program. Our topics have been around how do we regulate our emotions and ourselves, next week we start the second half of our program all around how we relate to each other.
Below each section are the topics that are covered in that section. We have a short definition of each topic, so you can see what your child is learning in the classroom these first six weeks.
Composure - we learn how to keep our cool in situations that are frustrating
Perceptions - we learn that things aren't always what they appear to be and we must look further before jumping to conclusions
Noticing - we learn to listen and see the people around us rather than judge them
Unity and Encouragement - we learn to come together and encourage and affirm one another
School Family - we learn what a school family is and how we treat each other
Respect - we learn what respect means to us and how we can show respect to others
Choices and Commitments - we learn that we all have choices and that we make commitments to each other at school like working to keep each other safe
Empathy - We learn how others feel
Positive Intent - we learn that we have good intentions when they interact with each other
Conflict Resolution - we learn how to solve conflict in a healthy way
COVID 19 Update
We continue to watch the updates regarding COVID 19 cases in Kentucky. We remain committed to our students and staff's health and safety. We have not had any students or staff diagnosed with COVID 19, and we are committed to keeping that safety record. We will continue to require masks in the building for both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Mighty Oak Academy COVID Policies
Below is our COVID Policy outlined in the Mighty Oak Academy Family Handbook. We will be updating the handbook should any major changes to guidance come out from the CDC or local health departments.
Positive Testing
If students or family members are sick with symptoms associated with Coronavirus (check CDC guidelines for symptoms) you are required to get a COVID test before coming to school.
The school requires proof of a positive test for the student to receive an excused absence. The school requires proof of a negative test to return to school. If one student from the same family test positive and another test negative the student testing negative may come to school as long as the positive student is quarantined from the other family members.
Travel Out of State
If a student travels out of the state for an extended period (weekend or longer) a COVID test is required before returning to work. A 14-day quarantine may be required if state and CDC officials are recommending testing.
The Vaccine
Currently, taking the coronavirus vaccine is a choice of each person. Not taking the vaccine does not exclude a student from school.
Wearing Mask
Student are required to always wear a mask and or face shield when in school or on school grounds.
Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer
The school requires students to use hand soap and hand sanitizer at school all during the day.
Daily Temperature Check
The temperatures of students are taken daily at the front door. Student must not have a temperature that is 100.1 or above.
Quarantine Requirements for Communicable Diseases
Any student or employee exhibiting evidence will have a physician diagnose and prescribe suitable treatment common diseases listed below will automatically result in exclusion school and school activities.
Chicken pox- 7 days after eruption appears
Covid 19 -14 days from positive test
Measles - 4 days from rash
Mumps - 9 days after glands swollen
Hepatitis clearance from Physician
Conjunctivitis (pink Eye) Until proper treatment and oozing resolved
Impetigo until proper medical treatment
Lice (1 day excused) not allowed back into school until no nits are present
Bed Bugs/ Scabies until properly treated
Ringworm until proper treatment
Our school mission statement is: to shift the cultural mindset in our community to reawakens dreams and create lifelong learners who become global citizens that empower their community. In order to achieve this we need you! Our valuable parents! If you are interested in volunteering, please click on the button below to fill out a volunteer registration form. We will then get in touch with you to schedule a volunteer orientation.
School Lunch
One of the pillars of Mighty Oak is healthy food. We have been working hard to provide high quality lunches that are also nutritious and yummy. As we progress through the school year we will be introducing more vegetables and whole grains into our lunches.
Happy Labor Day
Mighty Oak Academy will be closed on Labor Day September 6. We will reopen for school as usual on Tuesday September 7. If you will be leaving town please let us know if your child will be absent any days surrounding labor day.
2021 - 2022 School Calendar
Here is our 2021 - 2022 School Calendar. The first day of school and last day of school are highlighted in red. All Student holidays are highlighted in orange. The last day of school might change if we have an unexpected number of closures for snow over the winter.
If you have any questions please email: or call (502) 272-0786