Parent Update - September Issue 3

What's Happening at
Mighty Oak Academy

We are now into our fifth week of school! We are excited to share with you what we've been doing and the plan for the next few weeks.

This week we continued to focus on our 1st 6 weeks curriculum, building powerpoint presentations about who we are and what we like, speaking positive affirmations to ourselves and learning how to related to each other through projects. Week five is in the books! and we're looking forward to week 6!

Wrapping Up the 1st Six Weeks program

Next week we will wrap up our focus on social emotional learning topics. While these topics will always be used during the school year the next six weeks we will start to focus on our academic curriculum paths and start preparing for more project based learning.

While we will be shifting focus to reading, writing, math, science and humanities we will use all the skills we've learned in the last six weeks to help us all learn better and know how to regulate our selves and relate to others.

Upcoming Events and Notices


Tennis After School

We are excited to welcome USA Tennis to Mighty Oak Academy. Starting Tuesday September 21, USA Tennis will be coming to run a tennis club for grades 1 - 5. If you have a student in these grades and they are interested in participating please fill out the registration form sent home with your student and return it by Monday September 20.

Tennis After School

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Progress reports

As we wrap up our first six weeks, we will be sending home progress reports for each student on Friday September 24. The reports will be sent home from school that Friday but we will also be sending an emailcopy to parents as well. Teachers will be commenting on students' engagement and participation in the topics for the first six weeks and on any areas that we will be focusing on in terms of self regulation and relating to others as the school year continues.


Parent Night

Tuesday September 28 we will have our first parent night at the school. We will have a presentation of what we have been working on the last six weeks as well as some information about where we are headed in terms of curriculum. Parents will also get an opportunity to visit their child's classroom and talk with their teacher. We will have more information coming soon about the times for the parent night and draft agenda.


Our school mission statement is: to shift the cultural mindset in our community to reawakens dreams and create lifelong learners who become global citizens that empower their community. In order to achieve this we need you! Our valuable parents! If you are interested in volunteering, please click on the button below to fill out a volunteer registration form. We will then get in touch with you to schedule a volunteer orientation.

Register to Volunteer 

2021 - 2022 School Calendar

Here is our 2021 - 2022 School Calendar. The first day of school and last day of school are highlighted in red. All Student holidays are highlighted in orange. The last day of school might change if we have an unexpected number of closures for snow over the winter.

If you have any questions please email: or call (502) 272-0786

Fall Break

Fall Break is Thursday September 30 and Friday October 1. These are no school days for students.


Parent Update - September Issue 4


Parent Update - September Issue 2